Parasite Cleansing Guide and eBook

Please note that the information provided in this guide and e-book is not medical advice.
Always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner for personalised guidance related to your health and wellness journey.
Parasite Cleansing - Sunshine Holistic Health

Parasite Cleansing

Please note that the information provided in this guide and e-book is not medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner for personalised guidance related to your health and wellness journey.

What are Parasites?

Parasites are organisms that live on or inside another organism, known as the host, and derive nutrients at the host’s expense. They can cause various health issues, ranging from mild discomfort to severe illnesses. Understanding the nature of parasites and recognising their symptoms is the first step towards effective cleansing and maintaining optimal health.

Parasites come in many forms and can infect various parts of the human body. They are broadly categorized into three main types:


Protozoa are single-celled organisms that can multiply within the human body. They often spread through contaminated water and food. Common protozoal infections include Giardia, which affects the intestines, and Plasmodium, the parasite responsible for malaria.

Protozoa Parasites - Sunshine Holistic Health 

 2. Helminths

Helminths are larger, multi-cellular organisms, commonly referred to as worms. They include:

– Nematodes (Roundworms): These can infect the intestines (like Ascaris) or other tissues (like Trichinella).

– Cestodes (Tapeworms): These flat, segmented worms, such as Taenia, typically infect the intestines.

– Trematodes (Flukes): These leaf-shaped parasites, like Schistosoma, can infect various parts of the body, including the liver, lungs, and blood.

Helminths Parasites 

  1. Ectoparasites

Ectoparasites live on the surface of the host. Common examples include lice, fleas, and mites. While they are not internal parasites, they can cause significant discomfort and act as vectors for other diseases.


Bacteria and Fungi Can Also Be Parasitic

It’s not just worms and microscopic critters that can act as parasites; bacteria and fungi can be parasitic too. One common example is Candida, a type of yeast that normally lives in small amounts in the human body. However, when the body’s natural balance is disrupted—due to factors like antibiotics, poor diet, or a weakened immune system—Candida can overgrow and cause infections. This overgrowth can lead to a range of symptoms, including digestive issues, fatigue, skin problems, and more. Understanding how bacteria and fungi can become parasitic is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing these imbalances from causing serious health issues.

Bacteria and Fungi

Parasites: Nature’s Cleanup Crew

Parasites play a vital role in the ecosystem as nature’s cleanup crew. They break down decomposing matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil. Targeting the weakened and vulnerable, parasites like maggots—proteolytic (protein-digesting) organisms—are often the first to arrive at sites of decay. Through this process, they help maintain ecological balance and prevent the accumulation of organic waste.

The Human-Parasite Connection

It’s a widespread misconception that parasites are only a problem in distant lands. In reality, most humans harbour some form of parasitic organism, from microscopic entities to visible creatures like worms and flukes. These unwelcome guests thrive in environments rich in acidity and congestion, conditions that are unfortunately common in many modern lifestyles. Factors such as poor diet, stress, and exposure to pollutants can create an internal environment that encourages parasite proliferation.

Your Gut: The Battleground

Often referred to as the second brain, our gut is a complex environment where many parasites find refuge. It’s a vital centre for serotonin production, yet it can also be a site of significant turmoil. In Western cultures, we frequently overlook the impact of parasites, concentrating on symptom management rather than addressing the root causes of many health issues. Parasites in the gut can disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome, leading to a range of digestive and systemic health problems.

Invisible Intruders 

Parasites can stealthily infiltrate our lives through numerous channels—contaminated water and food, intimate contact, and pets. Many are microscopic and invisible to the naked eye, making their presence all the more insidious. These unseen invaders can quietly cause significant health issues long before their presence is even suspected.

What Do Parasites Look Like?

Parasites come in various shapes and sizes, depending on their type and where they reside in the body. Some are microscopic, such as protozoa, which can only be seen under a microscope. These single-celled organisms can cause diseases like giardiasis and malaria. Helminths, or parasitic worms, are larger and often visible to the naked eye. They include roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes, each with distinct characteristics: roundworms are long and cylindrical, tapeworms are flat and segmented, and flukes are leaf-shaped. Ectoparasites, like lice and fleas, live on the surface of the host’s body and are also visible. Despite their differences, all parasites share a common goal: to feed off their host and thrive at the host’s expense.

Do Not Be Afraid

The good news is, while parasites can seem daunting, there are many effective ways to rid your body of these unwanted guests and maintain your health. This book will guide you through various natural methods, including powerful herbs, that can help cleanse your body of parasites and keep them at bay. You’ll learn how to use these herbal remedies to support your body’s defences and restore balance to your system. With the right knowledge and tools, you can take control of your health and ensure a parasite-free life.

Are Parasites at the Root of Many Health Issues?

Parasites, often overlooked and underestimated, might be the hidden culprits behind many chronic health issues. These stealthy invaders can disrupt the delicate balance of your body’s systems, leading to a range of symptoms from digestive problems to fatigue and immune dysfunction. By burrowing into various tissues and organs, parasites can cause inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, and other systemic imbalances. This book explores the possibility that parasites could be at the root of many unexplained health problems and offers natural solutions to help you cleanse your body and restore optimal health.

How Do Parasites Enter the Body?

Parasites can enter the human body through various routes:

– Ingesting Contaminated Food or Water: Many parasites are transmitted through contaminated food or water, including raw or undercooked meat and unwashed vegetables.

– Direct Contact: Some parasites can enter through the skin, especially through cuts or bites from infected insects.

– Person-to-Person Transmission: Close contact with an infected person can also spread certain parasites.

– Animal Contact: Pets and other animals can be carriers of parasites that can infect humans.

Common Symptoms of Parasite Infections

Recognising the symptoms of a parasitic infection is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms can vary widely depending on the type of parasite and the part of the body affected. Here are some common signs to watch for:

Digestive Issues

– Diarrhoea: Frequent, loose, or watery stools can indicate a parasitic infection, especially if persistent.

– Constipation: Some parasites can cause blockages in the intestines, leading to constipation.

– Gas and Bloating: Excessive gas and bloating are common symptoms, particularly with protozoal infections.

– Stomach Cramps and Pain: Persistent stomach pain, especially after eating, can be a sign of intestinal parasites.

Unexplained Fatigue

Parasites can deplete the body’s nutrients, leading to chronic fatigue and low energy levels. If you feel unusually tired despite adequate rest, a parasite might be the cause.

Unexplained Fatigue 

Skin Conditions

– Rashes and Hives: Allergic reactions to parasitic toxins can cause skin rashes, hives, and eczema.

– Itching: Persistent itching, especially around the anus or other specific areas, can indicate parasites like pinworms or scabies.

 Mood and Mental Health Issues

– Anxiety and Depression: The toxins released by parasites can affect the nervous system, leading to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

– Sleep Disturbances: Parasites are often more active at night, which can cause restlessness, teeth grinding, and difficulty sleeping.

 Nutritional Deficiencies

– Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss can occur because parasites consume the nutrients you ingest.

– Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Some parasites cause blood loss, leading to iron deficiency and anaemia.

 Immune System Issues

– Frequent Infections: A weakened immune system due to parasitic infection can make you more susceptible to frequent colds and other infections.

Muscle and Joint Pain

Some parasites can migrate to various parts of the body, causing muscle and joint pain. This is often mistaken for arthritis or other joint-related conditions.

Changes in Appetite

– Increased Appetite: Despite eating more, you may not gain weight due to the parasites consuming the nutrients.

– Decreased Appetite: Conversely, some people may experience a loss of appetite.

Diagnosis and Moving Forward

Understanding parasites and their common symptoms is the first step in taking control of your health. In the following chapters, we will explore various methods of parasite cleansing, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes that can help you eliminate these unwelcome guests and maintain a healthy, balanced body.

How Do I Know If I Have Parasites?

Identifying a parasitic infection can be challenging, as the symptoms often mimic other common health issues. Some of the most prevalent signs include digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating. Unexplained fatigue is another common symptom, as parasites can drain your body of essential nutrients, leaving you feeling exhausted. Skin conditions like rashes, itching, and hives may also indicate a parasitic infection. Additionally, mood disturbances, including anxiety and depression, can be linked to the toxins released by parasites, which affect the nervous system. If you experience any combination of these symptoms, it might be worth exploring the possibility of a parasitic infection.

How Do I know If I Have Parasites - Sunshine Holistic Health 

Why Would I Want to Do a Parasite Cleanse?

A parasite cleanse can significantly improve your overall health and well-being. By eliminating harmful parasites from your body, you can alleviate a range of symptoms and prevent potential health complications. Benefits of a parasite cleanse include improved digestion, increased energy levels, enhanced immune function, and clearer skin. Removing parasites helps restore balance to your gut microbiome, which is crucial for nutrient absorption and overall health. Additionally, a cleanse can help reduce inflammation and support mental clarity. Taking proactive steps to cleanse your body of parasites can lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Why would I want to do a parasite cleanse - Sunshine Holistic Health 

What Does a Parasite Cleanse Look Like?

A parasite cleanse typically involves a combination of dietary changes, herbal supplements, and colon cleansing to effectively eliminate parasites from the body. The dietary component focuses on removing foods that parasites thrive on, such as sugars and processed foods, and incorporating more anti-parasitic foods like garlic, pumpkin seeds, and papaya seeds. Herbal supplements play a crucial role in the cleanse, with common choices including wormwood, black walnut, and clove, all known for their anti-parasitic properties. Additionally, colon cleansing methods such as colonics or enemas can help flush out parasites and their toxins from the digestive tract, promoting a thorough cleanse. By integrating these elements, a parasite cleanse aims to restore balance and support overall health.

Should I Do Colonics When Parasite Cleansing?

The answer is yes. The more we support the digestive pathway, the better. Parasites often slow down the body’s eliminatory processes, making it harder to expel them. This is why people who suffer from constipation or an inability to sweat may be dealing with a parasitic infection. Colonics help to flush out these unwelcome guests and their toxins from the digestive tract, promoting a more effective cleanse. If you can’t do colonics during your parasite cleanse, ensure you are performing home water enemas (avoid coffee enemas—we will discuss this later). If you can’t do water enemas, make sure you are taking herbs that open and release the digestive pathways. Keeping the eliminatory pathways moving is crucial for a successful cleanse and overall health.

Should I Do Colonics When Parasite Cleansing 

Why Should I Avoid Coffee Enemas on a Parasite Cleanse?

While coffee enemas are popular for their detoxifying effects, they are not recommended during a parasite cleanse. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release bile and toxins, which can be beneficial in certain detox protocols. However, during a parasite cleanse, the primary focus is on eliminating parasites and their toxins from the digestive tract.

Coffee enemas can cause irritation and inflammation in the intestines, which may exacerbate the issues caused by parasites. Additionally, the stimulation of the liver and gallbladder might not align with the goal of maintaining a gentle, supportive environment for your digestive system during this period. Instead, it’s better to use plain water enemas or herbal teas that soothe and cleanse the colon without adding extra stress to your system. By avoiding coffee enemas, you can ensure a more effective and gentle parasite cleanse, allowing your body to heal and restore balance more efficiently.

What Should I Eat When I’m Parasite Cleansing?

When undergoing a parasite cleanse, it’s crucial to follow a diet that supports the elimination of parasites and promotes overall gut health. This diet should include foods that have natural anti-parasitic properties, high fibre content, and support the body’s detoxification processes. Here’s a detailed guide on what to eat during a parasite cleanse:

Anti-Parasitic Foods

  1. Garlic: Garlic is renowned for its potent anti-parasitic properties. It contains allicin, which helps kill parasites and prevent infections. Adding raw garlic to your meals can enhance its effectiveness.
  2. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are rich in cucurbitacin, a compound that can paralyze parasites, making it easier for your body to expel them. They are a great snack or can be added to salads and smoothies.
  3. Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds contain enzymes like papain and caricin, which can help digest and eliminate parasites from the intestines. You can eat the seeds raw or blend them into a smoothie.
  4. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can break down parasites and their eggs. Eating fresh pineapple or drinking its juice can aid in the cleansing process.

Fibre-Rich Foods

  1. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are high in fibre, which helps cleanse the digestive tract and promote regular bowel movements. They are also rich in chlorophyll, which can detoxify the body.
  2. Whole Grains: Whole grains such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice provide essential fibre that aids in moving waste through the intestines, preventing constipation and supporting the detox process.
  3. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent sources of fibre and protein. They help maintain a healthy digestive system and provide sustained energy. 

Fibre Rich Food - Sunshine Holistic Health 

Hydrating and Cleansing Foods

  1. Cucumber: Cucumbers are high in water content and help hydrate the body while flushing out toxins. They can be eaten raw in salads or infused in water for a refreshing drink.
  2. Watermelon: Watermelon is another hydrating fruit that aids in detoxification. Its high water content helps keep you hydrated and supports kidney function.
  3. Citrus Fruits: Lemons, limes, and grapefruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They help boost the immune system and promote detoxification. Start your day with warm lemon water to kickstart the cleansing process.

Do I Need to Be Super Strict and Cut Out All Sugar on a Parasite Cleanse?

No, you don’t need to be super strict and cut out all sugar entirely. The goal is to make long-term, sustainable changes rather than follow a fad diet. Focus on eliminating processed foods and processed sugars from your diet, which are the main culprits that feed parasites. Instead, incorporate plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your meals. Make sure your meals are balanced, nutritious, and will keep you full and sustained. This approach supports a healthy, parasite-free body and promotes overall well-being.

Do I Need to Give Up Coffee on a Parasite Cleanse?

Ideally, yes, it’s best to give up coffee during a parasite cleanse, or at least significantly cut down your intake. Coffee can stimulate your digestive system, which might interfere with the cleansing process. If you can’t give it up entirely, try to limit yourself to no more than one cup a day. Reducing or eliminating coffee can help your body focus on detoxification and healing, leading to a more effective parasite cleanse and better overall health.

Do I Need to Avoid Alcohol on a Parasite Cleanse?

Yes, it’s best to avoid alcohol during a parasite cleanse. The sugars in alcohol can feed parasites, making the cleanse less effective. However, if you have a social engagement and end up having a drink or two, it’s not the end of the world. Just continue with the cleanse and avoid alcohol whenever possible to support the detoxification process and maintain optimal health. Staying mindful of your alcohol intake can help ensure the success of your parasite cleanse and promote overall well-being.

Can I Eat Chocolate on a Parasite Cleanse?

It’s best to avoid all processed chocolate during a parasite cleanse, as it often contains sugars and additives that can feed parasites. Instead, opt for raw, unsweetened cacao, which is a healthier alternative. Even then, limit your intake to one tablespoon a day. Raw cacao can provide some health benefits without compromising the effectiveness of your cleanse. By making mindful choices, you can enjoy a little treat while still supporting your body’s detoxification process.

Don’t Be Scared of Fruit on a Parasite Cleanse

Don’t be scared of fruit on a parasite cleanse. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support your body’s detoxification processes. To maximize the benefits and minimise any potential issues, eat fruit on an empty stomach. This helps ensure that the fruit is digested quickly and efficiently, reducing the chance of fermentation and bloating. Incorporating a variety of fresh fruits into your diet can provide the necessary nutrients to support your cleanse and promote overall health. So, enjoy your fruit confidently, knowing it can be a valuable part of your parasite-cleansing journey.

Should I Eat Probiotic Foods on a Parasite Cleanse?

No, you should avoid probiotic foods during a parasite cleanse. While probiotics are often recommended for gut health, fermenting is not considered a healing technique but rather a survival technique. Fermented foods can create an environment in the gut that supports the survival of parasites and may interfere with the cleansing process. Instead, focus on eating fresh, whole foods that support your body’s natural detoxification processes and help eliminate parasites more effectively. Prioritising non-fermented, nutrient-rich foods can better support your cleanse and overall health.

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking When Parasite Cleansing?

During a parasite cleanse, it’s essential to stay well-hydrated to support your body’s detoxification processes. Aim to drink at least 2-3 litres of water daily. Listen to your body and drink whenever you feel thirsty, and increase your intake during exercise or any activities that cause you to sweat. Start your day with a large glass of water to kickstart your metabolism and support detoxification. Carry a reusable water bottle throughout the day to remind yourself to drink regularly. You can enhance the taste of water by adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or fresh mint leaves. Monitor your urine colour as a hydration indicator—it should be light yellow or clear, as darker urine may indicate dehydration. Herbal teas without caffeine can also contribute to your daily water intake and offer additional health benefits. Staying well-hydrated is crucial for flushing out toxins and parasites, aiding digestion, and maintaining energy levels, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of your parasite cleanse.

What Foods Should I Avoid When I Am Parasite Cleansing?

During a parasite cleanse, it’s crucial to avoid certain foods that can hinder the cleansing process and support the growth of parasites. According to Medical Medium and general health guidelines, here are the key foods to avoid:

  1. Sugary Foods

Refined Sugars: Parasites thrive on sugar, so it’s essential to eliminate refined sugars found in candies, pastries, sweetened beverages, and other sugary snacks.

High-Fructose Corn Syrup: Common in sodas and processed snacks, this type of sugar feeds parasites and can exacerbate their presence.

  1. Processed Foods

Fast Food: Highly processed and loaded with unhealthy fats, fast foods create an environment that supports parasites.

Packaged Snacks: Chips, cookies, and other packaged snacks often contain additives and preservatives that can disrupt your digestive system.

  1. Dairy Products

Milk, Cheese, Yogurt: Dairy can be mucus-forming and may promote an environment in which parasites thrive. Opt for dairy alternatives like almond or coconut milk.

  1. Gluten-Containing Foods

Wheat, Barley, Rye: Gluten can cause inflammation and digestive issues, making it harder for your body to cleanse effectively. Avoid products like bread, pasta, and baked goods made from these grains.

  1. Pork

Why Avoid: Pork can harbour parasites and is often difficult for the body to digest fully, providing a breeding ground for parasites.

  1. Corn

Why Avoid: Corn is often genetically modified and can be difficult to digest, potentially supporting parasite growth.

  1. Canola Oil

Why Avoid: Canola oil is highly processed and can contribute to inflammation, disrupting your body’s ability to cleanse.

  1. Alcohol

All Types: Alcohol contains sugars and can weaken your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off parasites.

  1. Caffeine

Coffee and Energy Drinks: High caffeine intake can stress your digestive system. Limit to one cup of coffee per day if you can’t eliminate it completely.

  1. Artificial Additives

Colorings, Flavorings, Preservatives: These chemicals can burden your liver and digestive system, making it harder to detoxify and eliminate parasites.

  1. Fish

High in Heavy Metals: Many types of fish contain high levels of heavy metals, which can burden your detoxification pathways and create a more hospitable environment for parasites.

  1. Eggs

Feeds Parasites: Eggs can provide nutrients that support the growth and reproduction of parasites, making it best to avoid them during a cleanse.

Can Vegans Get Parasites?

Absolutely! While a plant-based diet can support overall health, vegans can still get parasites. Parasites don’t discriminate and can be found in contaminated water, unwashed produce, and even through contact with pets. Maintaining good hygiene, thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables, and being mindful of food and water sources are key to prevention. No diet makes you immune to parasites, so it’s important to stay informed and take proactive steps to protect your health. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

The Spiritual Meaning of Parasites

From a spiritual perspective, parasites can be seen as physical manifestations of negative energy or unresolved emotional issues within the body. Just as parasites drain physical energy and nutrients from their host, they can symbolically represent the ways in which negative thoughts, toxic relationships, or unhealthy patterns drain our emotional and spiritual well-being. This concept suggests that addressing a parasitic infection isn’t just about cleansing the body physically, but also involves cleansing the mind and spirit of detrimental influences.

Parasites may also serve as a reminder of the importance of boundaries. Just as they invade and take over a host, we might need to reflect on areas of our life where we allow external forces to encroach on our personal space and energy. Healing from a parasitic infection can thus be an opportunity for holistic healing, encouraging us to fortify our physical health, strengthen our emotional resilience, and reaffirm our spiritual boundaries. Embracing this multi-dimensional approach can lead to a more balanced, vibrant, and empowered life.

On a deeper level, parasites can symbolise aspects of ourselves that we have neglected or suppressed. They can be seen as manifestations of our shadow side—the parts of our psyche that we are often unaware of or unwilling to confront. By bringing these aspects into our awareness, we have the opportunity to integrate them into our conscious self, leading to greater self-understanding and wholeness.

The process of cleansing parasites from the body can also be viewed as a ritual of purification and renewal. It is a chance to let go of what no longer serves us and to make space for new, positive energies to enter our lives. This can involve not only dietary and lifestyle changes but also practises such as meditation, energy healing, and mindfulness, which help to align the body, mind, and spirit.

Moreover, the presence of parasites can prompt us to examine our life’s balance and harmony. Are we living in alignment with our true values and purpose? Are there areas in our lives where we feel overwhelmed or depleted? Parasites can act as catalysts for deeper introspection and personal growth, pushing us to address underlying issues and restore balance.

In this light, parasites are not merely invaders to be eradicated but teachers that guide us toward greater awareness and self-care. By approaching parasite cleansing with a holistic mindset, we can achieve a profound transformation that encompasses physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual clarity. This integrative approach ensures that we not only rid ourselves of physical parasites but also eliminate the negative energies and influences that hinder our overall well-being.


Emotional Reasons for Parasites

Parasites can be seen as physical manifestations of deeper emotional issues and unresolved negative energies within us. Often, these emotional underpinnings are linked to feelings of powerlessness, lack of boundaries, and unresolved trauma. When we allow toxic relationships or negative thought patterns to persist, they can create an environment within us that is conducive to the growth of parasites. Just as these organisms feed off our physical bodies, negative emotions and unresolved issues can drain our energy and vitality, leaving us susceptible to physical manifestations such as parasitic infections.

One significant emotional reason for parasites is the lack of healthy boundaries. Emotionally, if we struggle to set boundaries with others, we may find ourselves overwhelmed and depleted, unable to protect our energy. This vulnerability can translate into a physical susceptibility to parasites. By addressing our boundary issues and learning to assert ourselves, we can create a healthier, more resilient inner environment that is less hospitable to parasites. Setting and maintaining strong personal boundaries is essential for both emotional well-being and physical health.

Another emotional aspect related to parasites is the presence of suppressed or neglected parts of ourselves. These can be unresolved feelings of guilt, shame, or anger that we have pushed down and ignored. When these emotions are not addressed, they can create internal conflict and stress, weakening our immune system and making us more prone to infections, including parasitic ones. By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects of ourselves, we can heal emotionally and reduce the internal stress that makes us vulnerable to parasites.

Additionally, fear of the unknown can play a crucial role in the emotional reasons for parasites. This fear, much like the feeling of a monster under the bed or an invisible invader, can create a constant state of anxiety and stress. When we fear that some unseen force could somehow hurt us, it keeps us in a heightened state of vigilance, which can wear down our immune system and make us more susceptible to parasitic infections. Addressing these fears through practices like mindfulness, therapy, and self-reflection can help reduce this anxiety, creating a more balanced and resilient emotional state. By dealing with these emotional issues, we create a more vibrant and healthy internal environment that is hostile to parasites.

Parasite Cleanses 

That’s why we’ve tailored four different parasite cleanses to suit clients at various stages of their healing process. Whether you’re just starting to address a parasitic infection, dealing with a long-term issue, or looking to maintain a parasite-free lifestyle, we have a cleanse designed for you. Our programs incorporate dietary guidance, herbal supplements, and lifestyle recommendations to ensure a comprehensive approach to parasite elimination. With our personalized cleanses, you can confidently navigate your path to better health and well-being.

At Sunshine Holistic Health, we are excited to introduce Parasite Cleanse Pack 1 – Genesis Health Weed, Seed, and Feed Parasite Cleanse, a comprehensive program designed to address parasitic infections from multiple angles. This unique cleanse is structured into three essential phases to ensure effective elimination of parasites and promote overall gut health.

Utilising an approach that has stood the test of the ages, Genesis has collaborated with some of the finest producers of niche natural health products to present a complete nutritional and immune support system: Weed, Seed & Feed.

Weed the body with Vitaklenz. Produced in Australia since 2003, Vitaklenz is the result of almost 4 decades of research and development in collaboration with hundreds of practitioners around the world. Rids the system of intrusive visitors quickly, gently and effectively. And all without the need for diet changes or complicated procedures.

Seed the body with Vitaklenz Recharge. 14 probiotic strains along with prebioitcs, living enzymes and vitamins potentiated through natural fermentation from 19 superfoods. Produced from a natural fermentation process using starter cultures dating back tmore than 15 years, nature truly delivers goodness in complete packages. What else do you need?

Feed every body function with Sea Minerals Supa Boost. Over 70 electrolytes (ionic minerals) completely balanced to your body’s requirements, naturally harvested from the world’s purest ocean reserves and enhanced with potent herbs.

This pack incorporates Vitaklenz together with the Genesis 30 Day Wellness Program (1 x 150gr bottle of Vitaklenz Rechare and 1 x 150ml bottle of Sea Minerals Supa Boost). These products are supplied together under their own labels.

Phase 1: Weed

In the first phase, “Weed,” the focus is on eliminating harmful parasites and unwanted organisms from the body. This phase includes a combination of powerful herbal supplements known for their anti-parasitic properties, such as wormwood, black walnut, and clove. These herbs work synergistically to create an environment that is hostile to parasites, helping to flush them out of the system.

Phase 2: Seed

The “Seed” phase is all about replenishing the gut with beneficial bacteria and nutrients. After the initial cleansing, it is crucial to restore the balance of the gut microbiome. This phase includes probiotics and prebiotics to promote the growth of healthy gut flora. Additionally, nutrient-dense foods and supplements are incorporated to support overall health and immune function.

Phase 3: Feed

In the final phase, “Feed,” the goal is to nourish the body and maintain a healthy internal environment to prevent future parasitic infections. This phase emphasizes a balanced diet rich in whole foods, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients. It also includes ongoing lifestyle recommendations and support to help clients sustain their health and well-being long-term.

The Genesis Health Weed, Seed, and Feed Parasite Cleanse offers a holistic and structured approach to parasite cleansing. By addressing the root causes and promoting a healthy gut ecosystem, this program helps clients achieve lasting health benefits and a renewed sense of vitality.


We’re excited to introduce Parasite Pack 2, a comprehensive solution designed to tackle both fungi and parasites while supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes. This pack includes two powerful herbal supplements and a cleansing tea to ensure a thorough and effective cleanse.

Canda Plex and Triplex by PPC Herbs

Our Parasite Pack 2 features Canda Plex and Triplex by PPC Herbs, both renowned for their potent anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties. Canda Plex is formulated to target and eliminate fungal infections, providing relief from symptoms associated with candida overgrowth. Triplex complements this by addressing a broad spectrum of parasitic infections, ensuring that your body is free from these unwanted invaders.

TeaTox Tea

To enhance the detoxification process, Parasite Pack 2 also includes TeaTox Tea, a blend rich in antioxidants. This tea not only helps to neutralize free radicals but also supports the opening of elimination pathways. By promoting efficient waste removal, TeaTox Tea aids in flushing out toxins and ensuring your body can effectively rid itself of fungi and parasites.

Benefits of Parasite Pack 2

– Comprehensive Cleansing: Targets both fungi and parasites for a thorough cleanse.

– Antioxidant Support: TeaTox Tea provides essential antioxidants to combat oxidative stress.

– Enhanced Detoxification: Helps open elimination pathways to support efficient toxin removal.

– Natural Ingredients: Utilises the power of herbal supplements and tea for a holistic approach to health.

– Ideal for those who don’t like taking tablets 

Experience the benefits of a comprehensive cleanse with Parasite Pack 2 and take a significant step towards better health and well-being.

Introducing Parasite Pack 3, a powerful and comprehensive solution designed to target Candida and parasites while supporting your body’s detoxification processes, especially for those struggling with constipation. This pack combines effective herbal supplements and a detox regimen to ensure thorough cleansing and improved gut health.

Herbs of Gold Candida Relief and Parastrike

Parasite Pack 3 features Candida Relief and Parastrike by Herbs of Gold, both specifically formulated to combat Candida overgrowth and parasitic infections. Candida Relief targets the symptoms associated with Candida, helping to restore balance and reduce fungal overgrowth. Parastrike is designed to address a wide range of parasitic infections, ensuring your body is free from these harmful invaders.

PointPharma’s 5 Point Detox

To enhance the detoxification process, Parasite Pack 3 includes PointPharma’s 5 Point Detox, a comprehensive detox regimen that helps open the elimination pathways. This detox protocol is particularly beneficial for those dealing with constipation, as it promotes efficient waste removal and supports the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Benefits of Parasite Pack 3

– Targeted Cleansing: Candida Relief and Parastrike work together to eliminate Candida and parasites.

– Enhanced Detoxification: 5 Point Detox helps open elimination pathways, promoting efficient waste removal.

– Supports Gut Health: Combines herbal supplements to support overall digestive health.

– Ideal for Constipation: Specifically designed for those struggling with constipation to ensure thorough cleansing.

Experience the benefits of a targeted and effective cleanse with Parasite Pack 3, and take a significant step towards better health and well-being.

Introducing Parasite Pack 4, the ultimate cleanse for those who feel they have significant issues or want to achieve a deep and thorough cleanse. This comprehensive pack includes potent supplements designed to restore bowel health, eliminate parasites, and chelate heavy metals for optimal detoxification.

Ultimate Fibre from Qenda

Parasite Pack 4 features Ultimate Fibre from Qenda, a powerful supplement that helps restore bowel health by moving old plaque and mucus. This fibre blend is also highly anti-parasitic, making it effective at eliminating parasites and supporting overall digestive health.

Oil of Oregano

For added potency, the pack includes Oil of Oregano, known for its strong anti-parasitic properties. This powerful oil targets and eliminates extra critters, ensuring a more thorough cleanse and boosting the immune system.

Super Greens Blend

To complement the detox process, Parasite Pack 4 also contains a Super Greens Blend. This blend is rich in nutrients and helps chelate heavy metals from the body, providing comprehensive support for detoxification and overall well-being.

Benefits of Parasite Pack 4

Deep Cleansing: Ultimate Fibre restores bowel health by removing old plaque and mucus while being highly anti-parasitic.

Potent Anti-Parasitic Action: Oil of Oregano targets and eliminates stubborn parasites.

Heavy Metal Chelation: Super Greens Blend chelates heavy metals, enhancing the detox process.

 A powerful combination of supplements for those seeking a thorough and deep cleanse.

Experience the ultimate cleanse with Parasite Pack 4, and take a significant step towards optimal health and well-being.

Parasite cleansing is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of children. Kids are particularly susceptible to parasites due to their close contact with pets, playgrounds, and each other. Parasites can cause a range of symptoms, including digestive issues like bloating and constipation, unexplained fatigue, irritability, and even compromised immunity. These symptoms can affect a child’s ability to concentrate, play, and enjoy life to the fullest. Ensuring that children undergo regular parasite cleansing can help prevent these health problems and support their overall growth and development.

At Sunshine Holistic Health, we recognize the importance of a gentle yet effective approach to parasite cleansing for children. We recommend three top-quality products: Vitaklenze, Triplex, and Motion Potion. 


Vitaklenze is a potent herbal formula designed to eliminate various types of parasites. Its natural ingredients work synergistically to create an environment in the body that is inhospitable to parasites, helping to expel them gently and effectively.


Triplex is another powerful anti-parasitic supplement that targets a broad spectrum of parasites. Its carefully selected herbal ingredients ensure comprehensive cleansing, supporting the body’s natural defence mechanisms to combat parasitic infections.

Motion Potion

Motion Potion complements the cleansing process by supporting digestive health. This product helps to move parasites and their toxins out of the body, ensuring that the cleansing process is thorough and gentle on the child’s system. By promoting regular bowel movements, Motion Potion aids in the effective expulsion of parasites, reducing the risk of re-infestation.

Regular use of these products as part of a parasite cleansing routine can significantly enhance a child’s health. By addressing the root causes of parasitic infections and supporting overall gut health, you can ensure that your child remains vibrant, energetic, and free from the discomforts associated with parasites. Embrace a proactive approach to your child’s health with Vitaklenze, Triplex, and Motion Potion for a comprehensive and effective parasite cleansing strategy.

Things to look for in your poop 

Things people pass on parasite cleanses. I have intentionally not labelled or identified these pictures as the only way to be sure and diagnose parasites if to send stool away for testing.  

7-Day Houdini Cleanse

The ” Houdini” Cleanse – your ticket to making those pesky haemorrhoids disappear, just like magic!

This 7-day program is designed with humour and health in mind, combining delicious, gentle, and nutritious meals to help you wave goodbye to discomfort and say hello to a happier, healthier you.

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