
Sunshine Holistic Health is a Colonic Irrigation clinic on the Sunshine Coast.

Our focus on gut health as the cornerstone of holistic wellness has led us to offer open-system colonic irrigation treatments using The Angel of Water Method, the only TGA & FDA-approved open colonic irrigation system in Australia.

Colon hydrotherapy can play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy digestive system, promoting detoxification, and enhancing overall vitality. With our comfortable, safe, and hygienic environment, you can feel at ease during your colonic sessions.

What is a colonic?

A colonic, also known as colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, is a therapeutic procedure that involves the gentle infusion of warm water into the colon (large intestine) through a tube inserted into the rectum. The purpose of a colonic is to cleanse the colon by flushing out accumulated waste, toxins, and other materials that may have built up along the walls of the colon. The waste and water are then expelled from the body through a separate tube.

The benefits attributed to colonic therapy are often based on anecdotal reports and claims from proponents of the procedure. However, it’s important to note that scientific research on the benefits of colonics is limited, and opinions within the medical community vary. 

Some of the reported benefits of colonic irrigation include:


Clearing the colon of waste is thought to contribute to clearer skin and a healthier complexion.

Many believe that colonics help eliminate accumulated toxins and waste from the colon, promoting detoxification and improved overall well-being.

Colonics alleviate constipation by softening and removing faecal matter that may be causing discomfort.​

Advocates believe that colonics can help improve digestion by promoting the removal of waste and improving nutrient absorption.

Happy customers report reduced bloating and abdominal discomfort after undergoing colonic therapy.

Advocates claim that colonics can lead to increased energy levels and a feeling of lightness.

Practitioners suggest that colonics can support a healthier gut environment by removing waste and promoting a balanced microbiome.

Advocates claim that clearing the colon can lead to improved mental clarity and cognitive function.

Some proponents believe that colonic therapy can have a calming effect and help reduce stress.

Lots of clients report reduced flatulence and gas after colonic therapy.

Many colonic-ers goers say that they use colonics as a way to support overall health and well-being.

Temporary weight loss may occur due to the elimination of waste and water weight. ​

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The length of your large intestine (colon) is roughly around the same as your height, and if you’ve had around 35 years or more to accumulate waste on the inside, it will definitely require more than a single session to completely cleanse it.

Everyone feels great after a colonic because your body has had a much needed release.

You might have come across numerous clinics online suggesting around 3-4 sessions over a couple of weeks.

However, if you’re seeking profound, life-changing results that make you go “OMG! Everyone needs to try this!” We highly recommend opting for a series of 10 treatments across 30 days, with no more than 4 days between each session.

For those willing to embark on the journey of 10 sessions in just 30 days, you’ll likely be amazed by the incredible extent of the results you achieve.

Colonic Irrigation
Colonic Irrigation - Angel of water lifestream system Sunshine Holistic Health

Angel Of Water

Sunshine Holistic Health together with Angel of Water is bringing Internal Colon Cleansing into the 21st Century with Elegance, Simplicity and Dignity! 

Water is the primary substrate of our bodies, the very essence of life. Since early recorded history, water has been used to hydrate and clean man’s bowel environment. 

The Angel of Water advanced design now brings elegance, simplicity and dignity to colon hydrotherapy. 

The Angel of Water Surround model – a gravity-fed, open design – is the premier colon hydrotherapy system and is the first choice of practitioners worldwide.


If you’re new to Colonic Irrigation, we’ve compiled a list with the top 5 frequently asked questions that may be helpful.

I always tell clients there’s no special prep that needs to be done before a colonic, you can come as you are, wear anything you like, if you’re hungry you can eat beforehand, but it’s perfectly fine to do colonic fasting as well. 

There are a couple of tips that can help you get the most out of your session though.

Before a Colonic:

  1. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your colonic. Hydration helps soften the stool and supports the cleansing process.
  2. Avoid Heavy Meals: Refrain from consuming heavy or greasy meals on the day of your colonic. Stick to light, easily digestible foods.
  3. Inform the Therapist: If you have any underlying health conditions, take medications, allergies, or concerns, inform your therapist before the session. This ensures a safe and customised experience.

Your initial session will begin by filling out personal history medical forms, we answer all the questions that you might have and then the therapist will show you the system and explain the procedure before starting your colonic session.

A session typically lasts 45 minutes, but allow 90 minutes for your first appointment.


The colon hydrotherapist will greet you and accompany you to the colon hydrotherapy room.

The colon hydrotherapist will leave the room while you remove your lower garments. You’ll then recline on the system and gently insert a single-use, well-lubricated, pencil-sized nozzle 1-2 inches into the rectum and drape a cover cloth sheet over the lower half of your body to maintain modesty and dignity.

When you are ready, you’ll press the call button to page the colon hydrotherapist, who will then come back into the room and start the session.

Simply relax and listen to soothing music as the water flows into and out of the colon, evacuating its contents into the system’s basin. If you wish, you can watch the contents leave your body through a sealed viewing tube.

Once the session is complete, the colon hydrotherapist turns off the system and then leaves the room to allow you to drain and rinse in privacy.

When you are through, you will meet the colon hydrotherapist outside of the room for a refreshment and a recap of the session.

A session typically lasts 45 minutes, but allow 90 minutes for your appointment.

At Sunshine Holistic Health all of our practitioners are ICHTA Certified, Registered Members of the International Colon Health Association as well as trained in a variety of other natural health modalities.

At Sunshine Holistic Health we use The Angel of Water CM-1 system, which offers a very simple, comfortable and hygienic means to irrigate the colon when medically indicated, such as before a radiological or endoscopic examination.

It is a state-of-the-art, open-style colon hydrotherapy system, TGA approved, ergonomically designed for comfort and is inviting to both fully mobile and mobile-impaired patients.

The system’s tank holds 30 litres of water. The tempered water is treated with both ultraviolet and carbon filtration and set to the colon’s internal body temperature for comfort.

After a Colonic:
Generally speaking you are right to go about your day as normal after a colonic, however, we do give you some healthy hints to keep you feeling great and feeling the benefits long after your session has ended.

  1. Hydrate: Drink ample water after the colonic to help flush out toxins and stay hydrated.
  2. Eat Lightly: Stick to light, nourishing foods such as steamed vegetables, soups, and whole grains for the first few hours after the procedure.
  3. Avoid Heavy Meals: Give your digestive system some time to adjust by avoiding heavy or rich meals immediately after the colonic.
  4. Rest and Relax: Allow yourself some downtime to rest and relax after the colonic. Your body may need some time to recuperate.
  5. Gentle Movement: Engage in light physical activities like walking or gentle stretching to encourage circulation and aid in digestion.
  6. Avoid Processed Foods: Steer clear of processed foods, excessive sugar, and refined carbohydrates to support your body’s natural detoxification process.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds after the colonic. If you experience any discomfort or unusual symptoms, give your therapist a call.
  8. Continue Hydration: Maintain good hydration in the days following the colonic to support your body’s detoxification process.
  9. Follow Therapist Recommendations: If your therapist provides specific post-colonic recommendations, be sure to follow them to optimise your results and comfort.

Remember that everyone’s body is different, so it’s important to listen to your own body’s signals and adjust your post-colonic routine accordingly.

If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Want to know more? We’ve compiled a list of 50 frequently asked questions over the years. Click here to read through them.

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Feel free to call us
0424 407 214 

2/1 California Boulevard, Peregian Beach, QLD 4573



Feel free to call us
0424 407 214 

2/1 California Boulevard, Peregian Beach, QLD 4573