Understanding Encopresis: How Colonics Can Help

Encopresis, a condition often distressing for both children and their families is not only physically uncomfortable but can also lead to emotional and psychological stress. Here, we explore what encopresis is, its causes, and how colon hydrotherapy, or colonics, might be a beneficial treatment option.

Encopresis, a condition often distressing for both children and their families, involves involuntary defecation in inappropriate places, typically due to chronic constipation. This condition is not only physically uncomfortable but can also lead to emotional and psychological stress. Here, we explore what encopresis is, its causes, and how colon hydrotherapy, or colonics, might be a beneficial treatment option.

What is Encopresis?

Encopresis is most commonly found in children, especially those over the age of four who have already been toilet trained. The primary cause of encopresis is chronic constipation. Over time, constipation can cause an impaction of stool in the colon which becomes so hard that it’s difficult to pass. The colon can then stretch, reducing the sensation of needing the bathroom and leading to leaks of stool around the impaction, known as overflow incontinence.

Causes of Encopresis

Several factors can contribute to the development of encopresis, including:

Dietary Habits: A lack of fiber-rich foods can lead to constipation.

Hydration: Insufficient fluid intake can harden stools, making them difficult to pass.

Psychological Factors: Anxiety, depression, and stress can disrupt regular bowel movements.

Physical Inactivity: Reduced physical activity can slow down the digestive system.

How Colonics Can Help

Colon hydrotherapy, or colonics, involves gently rinsing the colon with warm water to soften and remove waste material. This method can be particularly helpful for those with encopresis for several reasons:

  1. Relieving Constipation and Impaction: By hydrating and softening the stool, colonics can help alleviate the immediate issue of constipation and fecal impaction. This can restore regular bowel movements and prevent new episodes of encopresis.
  2. Restoring Colon Function: Regular colonics might help in restoring the natural muscle tone of the colon, improving its ability to contract properly and facilitating the regular elimination of waste.
  3. Reducing Toxin Load: Encopresis can lead to the buildup of waste and toxins in the colon. Colonics cleanse these away, which might also contribute to a healthier digestive environment.

Considerations Before Choosing Colonics

While colonics can offer benefits, they are not a standalone treatment and should be considered as part of a broader approach to managing encopresis. Here are some steps to take before trying colonics:

– Consult a Pediatrician: It’s crucial to speak with a pediatrician or a pediatric gastroenterologist to understand the underlying causes of encopresis and to receive a comprehensive treatment plan.

– Lifestyle and Diet Changes: Incorporating more fibre into the diet, increasing fluid intake, and encouraging regular physical activity can naturally help manage constipation and prevent episodes of encopresis.

– Psychological Support: Since psychological stress can contribute to encopresis, counselling or behavioural therapy might also be beneficial.


Encopresis can be a challenging condition, but with the right strategies, it can be managed effectively. Colonics may provide significant relief by addressing the root cause of the symptom—constipation. By combining colon hydrotherapy with dietary changes, adequate hydration, and professional medical advice, there is a hopeful path forward for those suffering from this distressing condition.

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